FCCVi Team with our energetic and fun-loving folks in Morwell. See you again next month! 🌼
FREE groceries for everyone - SOLD OUT!
And we hear you guys, we know many of you tried to locate us but surrendered which we understand as we've been in your situation before. A photo of our entrance has been included on this post.
Thank you everybody for coming...we're closing the Communit...
Thank you Angel Bardos for leading the troop to becoming Digital Mentors like you. Titas and Titos, you're next!
#BeConnected #DigitalMentor
With Stott's College placement students and their Placement Coordinator, Winston Seah. It's our great honor to have you come visit our hub and formally entrusting your students in our hands.
Benjamin Franklin once said, "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."...