Preparation for 124th Philippine Independence Day Gala Dinner is now at full swing. We have done the 4-course menu selections, venue inspection, table lay out plan, colour scheme and decoration plans today.
Best of all we saw the wonderful food and drinks selected meticulously for the event.
We are honoring our community heroes!
We are cordially inviting anyone who in one way or another supported the Filipino Community Council of Victoria, Inc. in a volunteer capacity in the years 2021-2022 at FCCVI Annual Volunteer Appreciation Night on Friday, from 6:30PM at the Filipino Hub.
Congratulations to all 250 new Australian Citizens from the West.
It's a great honour and privilege to be one of the "Official Party" for today's Australian Citizenship Ceremony.
#WeAreBrimbank #filipinocommunity #brimbankcitycouncil
Phase 3 - Emergency Relief funded by Priority Response to Multicultural Communities (PRMC) Grant